how can i invest in crypto under 18


Investing in cryptocurrencies is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more people seeing the potential for profits. However, for those under the age of 18, investing in crypto can be a challenge. In many countries, minors are not allowed to own investments or access financial products. But there are still ways for minors to invest in crypto, and in this article, we will explore some of the options available.

How To Buy Cryptocurrency – Forbes Advisor UK

Understanding Cryptocurrencies Before diving into how minors can invest in cryptocurrencies,

it is essential to understand what cryptocurrencies are and how they work. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security. Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized systems that allow for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks. The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are many other cryptocurrencies available, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dogecoin.

Options for Minors to Invest in Cryptocurrencies

  • Cryptocurrency Mining: Mining cryptocurrencies is the process of verifying transactions on the blockchain and adding new blocks to the network. This process requires a lot of computational power and specialized equipment. Miners are rewarded with new coins for their efforts. Minors can participate in cryptocurrency mining, provided they have the necessary hardware and software. However, mining can be expensive and requires technical knowledge, so it may not be the best option for all minors.
  • Invest Through a Custodial Account: Custodial accounts are investment accounts held by an adult on behalf of a minor. Custodial accounts are a common way for minors to invest in traditional assets such as stocks and bonds. Some cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets offer custodial accounts for minors to invest in crypto. However, custodial accounts come with their own risks, as the adult who holds the account has control over the investments.
  • Peer-to-Peer Transactions: Peer-to-peer transactions allow individuals to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other. Minors can participate in peer-to-peer transactions, provided they have the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate cryptocurrency exchanges. However, peer-to-peer transactions can be risky, as they are not regulated, and there is a risk of fraud and scams.

Tips for Minors Investing in Cryptocurrencies

  • Research and Education: Before investing in cryptocurrencies, minors should educate themselves on the risks and potential rewards of investing in crypto. Understanding the market and how it works can help minimize the risk of losses.
  • Start Small: Minors should start with a small investment and gradually increase their investment as they gain more knowledge and experience. Investing a small amount can also help minimize the risk of losses.
  • Use Trusted Exchanges and Wallets: Minors should use reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets when buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Trusted exchanges and wallets offer secure storage and reliable trading platforms.
  • Seek Professional Advice: Minors should seek advice from a financial advisor or investment professional before investing in cryptocurrencies. A professional can provide guidance on the risks and potential rewards of investing in crypto.

“Can I buy crypto under 18?

This is a question asking if it is possible for someone who is under 18 years old to purchase cryptocurrency.

“Can a 16 year old have crypto?

This is a question asking if it is legal for a 16 year old to own and possess cryptocurrency.

“How to sell crypto under 18”

This is a question asking for guidance on how someone who is under 18 years old can sell their cryptocurrency.

“How to buy crypto under 18 reddit”

This is a question asking for advice on how to purchase cryptocurrency when the buyer is under 18 years old, specifically on the social media platform Reddit.

“Can you invest in crypto under 18?

This is a question asking if it is legal for someone who is under 18 years old to invest in cryptocurrency.

“How to trade crypto under 18”

This is a question asking for guidance on how someone who is under 18 years old can trade their cryptocurrency.

“Apps to buy crypto under 18”

This is a request for suggestions on mobile applications that allow individuals under 18 years old to purchase cryptocurrency.

“Crypto wallet under 18”

This is a request for information on digital wallets that can be used by individuals under 18 years old to store their cryptocurrency.

“Crypto wallet under 18 reddit”

This is a question asking for advice on digital wallets that can be used by individuals under 18 years old to store their cryptocurrency, specifically on the social media platform Reddit.

“Crypto apps for under 18 ios”

This is a request for suggestions on mobile applications for iOS that allow individuals under 18 years old to purchase cryptocurrency.

Can minors invest in cryptocurrencies?

Yes, minors can invest in cryptocurrencies, but there are limitations and restrictions in place in some countries. However, there are still options available for minors to invest in cryptocurrencies, such as cryptocurrency mining, custodial accounts, and peer-to-peer transactions.

What is cryptocurrency mining?

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of verifying transactions on the blockchain and adding new blocks to the network. This process requires a lot of computational power and specialized equipment, and miners are rewarded with new coins for their efforts.

What are custodial accounts?

Custodial accounts are investment accounts held by an adult on behalf of a minor. Custodial accounts are a common way for minors to invest in traditional assets such as stocks and bonds, and some cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets offer custodial accounts for minors to invest in crypto.

What are peer-to-peer transactions?

Peer-to-peer transactions allow individuals to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other, without the need for intermediaries such as banks. Minors can participate in peer-to-peer transactions, provided they have the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate cryptocurrency exchanges.

What are the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies as a minor?

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with risks, including market volatility, hacking, fraud, and scams. Minors should educate themselves on the market and start small to minimize the risk of losses. They should also use trusted exchanges and seek professional advice before investing.

Can minors seek professional advice before investing in cryptocurrencies?

Yes, minors can seek advice from a financial advisor or investment professional before investing in cryptocurrencies. A professional can provide guidance on the risks and potential rewards of investing in crypto.

What should minors consider before investing in cryptocurrencies?

Minors should consider the risks and potential rewards of investing in cryptocurrencies, educate themselves on the market, start small, use trusted exchanges and wallets, and seek professional advice before investing.


Investing in cryptocurrencies can be a lucrative opportunity for minors, but it comes with risks. Minors should educate themselves on the market and start small to minimize the risk of losses. They should also use trusted exchanges and seek professional advice before investing. While there are limitations to minors investing in cryptocurrencies, there are still options available for them to participate in the market. With the right approach and knowledge, minors can invest in cryptocurrencies and potentially reap the rewards.

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